A cold-pressed, organic, fair-trade castor oil packed with vitamins and nutrients to promote healthy-looking and nourished hair, scalp, skin, and brows. Multi-purpose nourishing oil for healthy-looking hair, skin, scalp, and brows A unique cold-pressed extraction process maintains the most potent fatty-acid and mineral-rich formula to nourish dry curls + coils Clean and naturally derived, formulated 6-freeTM-No: Harsh Sulfates, Silicones, Parabens, Phthalates, DEA, Artificial Dyes. This 100% pure and organic, cold-pressed castor oil supports healthy-looking hair, scalp, skin, and brows. Perfect for dry, thirsty curls + coils, our castor oil is deeply moisturizing and is certified fair-trade and Fair for Life: every purchase directly funds community programs in India's Kutch district. | Briogeo Curl Charisma™ Organic + Cold-Pressed 100% Castor Oil, 1. 5 oz | Dermstore

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