Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet is a fresh and tender fragrance that is composed like a bouquet of newly blossomed flowers with notes of rose, peony, bergamot and white musks. Faceted and spontaneous, its richly contrasted trail has the intensity of the feeling of love at first sight. The Miss Dior bow, woven with delicate silvery thread, gives Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet a more couture identity. Its luminous reflections echo the label's signature fabric-effect. Created by Maison Faure, artisanal ribbon-makers since 1864, this ribbon reveals the precision and expertise of its artisans.
Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet is a fresh and tender fragrance that is composed like a bouquet of newly blossomed flowers with notes of rose, peony, bergamot and white musks. Faceted and spontaneous, its richly contrasted trail has the intensity of the feeling of love at first sight. The Miss Dior bow, woven with delicate silvery thread, gives Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet a more couture identity. Its luminous reflections echo the label's signature fabric-effect. Created by Maison Faure, artisanal ribbon-makers since 1864, this ribbon reveals the precision and expertise of its artisans.