Instant New York Times Bestseller! 1 New York Times bestselling author Bret Baier reveals how George Washington saved the Constitution– and the American experiment " To Rescue The Constitution is a masterful exploration of the electrifying struggle to unite a young United States." -Jay Winik. A sweeping narrative ranging from the unsettled early American frontier and the battlefields of the Revolution to the history-making clashes within Philadelphia's Independence Hall, Bret Baier's To Rescue the Constitution dramatically illuminates the life of George Washington, the Founder who did more than perhaps any other individual to secure the future of the United States. George Washington rescued the nation three times- first by leading the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War, second by presiding over the Constitutional Convention that set the blueprint for the United States and ushering the Constitution through a fractious ratification process, and third by leading the nation as its first president. There is no doubt that the struggling new nation needed to be rescued-and that Washington was the only American who could bring the together. After the victorious War of Independence, when a spirit of unity and patriotism might have been expected, instead the nation fractured.

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