Jj and his friends play a fun game of hide-and-seek in this Ready-to-Go Ready-to-Read based on a popular Cocomelon YouTube video. Jj backyard is perfect for hide-and-seek As he and his friends take turns being it, who will find the best hiding spot Perfect for kids at the beginning of their reading journeys, Hide-and-Seek Fun is written for children who have learned the alphabet and are ready to start reading And what better way to get kids excited than with a fun story featuring words they can actually read and starring their favorite Cocomelon characters Each Ready-to-Go Ready-to-Read includes a note to parents explaining what their child can expect, a guide at the beginning for readers to become familiar with the words they will encounter in the story, and reading comprehension questions at the end. Each Ready-to-Go story contains around 100 words and features sight words, rhyming words, and repetition to help children reinforce their new reading skills. In this book, readers will learn twenty-one sight words, and four words from three word families. So come on and get reading Cocomelon is the 1 kids show on YouTube over 170 million subscribers and the 1 kids show on Netflix Cocomelon trade 2024 Moonbug Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

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  • 9781665960342
  • Item_group_id
  • 19876462
  • Age_group
  • Adult
  • Condition
  • NEW
  • Gender
  • Unisex
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  • 9781665960342USA
  • Promotion_id
  • 19944799,19944800,19944801,19944802,19944803
  • Shipping
  • US:::10.95
  • Sale_price
  • 4.99

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